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  1. General Provisions

    1. These terms and conditions apply to all our services in the context of seminars, lectures, courses, training courses, workshops and courses (hereinafter referred to as "events") for consumers, entrepreneurs and legal entities under public law. The inclusion of your own contractual conditions is expressly prohibited unless we have agreed to their validity in writing.

    2. These terms and conditions also apply if we carry out the service for you without reservation in the knowledge of conflicting or deviating conditions on your part. In these cases, acceptance of the services by you shall be deemed acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions, while at the same time waiving the validity of your own General Terms and Conditions, which is hereby accepted in advance.

  2. Registration and conclusion of contract

    1. You can register for our events in writing, using the online form or by fax. Your registration for an event represents a binding offer for us to conclude a contract.

    2. A contract is only formed when we confirm your registration. This takes place at the latest within two weeks after receipt of the registration by e-mail, fax or post. If the event is held without you having received an order confirmation beforehand, the contract comes into effect when the event begins.

  3. Type and scope of the service

    1. Which services are contractually agreed can be found in the description of services for the respective event or on our website  The information contained in the event description is binding.

    2. In the event of an advance booking before the change in the event description on our website, the content of the service is not based on the event description valid at the time of booking, but on the one that is now decisive for the booked event. This only applies if we refer to the new event description in the order confirmation.

  4. terms of payment

    1. The prices published at the time of booking apply. All prices for events that are aimed at consumers include the applicable statutory value-added tax.

    2. Payment of the participation fees is due immediately after receipt of the invoice by post or email and must be paid at the latest at the start of the event. If the participation fees have not been paid by this time, we are entitled to prohibit you from participating in the event.

  5. right of withdrawal

    1. The right of cancellation for events is limited within the framework of the legal possibilities, since it concerns services that are to be provided within a precisely specified period of time. We grant you a right of withdrawal up to 7 calendar days before the start of the event). If you make use of this right of cancellation, a processing fee of EUR 30.00 will be charged for one-day events and a processing fee of EUR 50.00 for events lasting several days. From the 6th calendar day, the full event price must be paid.

    2. You must declare the cancellation in text form (e.g. letter, e-mail) or via the contact form on our website.

  6. cancellation of events
    We reserve the right to cancel the event due to insufficient demand or the number of participants (no later than 10 days before the planned event date) or for other important reasons for which we are not responsible (e.g. sudden illness of the speaker, force majeure). to move. We will of course inform you about this immediately and refund any participation fees you have already paid. Further liability and damage claims that do not concern injury to life, limb or health are excluded unless we acted with intent or gross negligence. Please keep this in mind when booking flight or train tickets.

  7. Subject to change
    We are entitled to make necessary changes or deviations (e.g. due to legal changes) in terms of content, methodology and organization before or during the event, provided these do not significantly change the benefit of the announced event for you. We are entitled to replace the designated speaker if necessary (e.g. illness, accident) with other people who are equally qualified with regard to the announced topic.

  8. Refusal and exclusion of participants

    1. We reserve the right to refuse an event booking without giving reasons. In this case, event fees already paid will be fully refunded.

    2. We can exclude participants who repeatedly disturb the course of the event and the group dynamics, who do not comply with the instructions of the speaker, who misuse the event to recruit people or who sell third-party products. In this case, the full event price must still be paid.

    3. A stable mental and physical condition of the participants is required for participation in our events. If you are currently or have been in psychological and/or psychiatric treatment or have been in the past, we are entitled to exclude you from further participation in the event.

  9. copyright and audio and video recordings

    1. The event documents and the presentations within the framework of the events are protected by copyright. Any video and audio recordings, duplication of event documents and their transfer to third parties or other use is only permitted with our prior written consent.

  10. Liability

    1. We select qualified speakers for the events in the respective departments. We assume no liability for the correctness, up-to-dateness and completeness of the event content, the event documents or the achievement of the goal intended by the participant. Likewise not for any consequential damage that should arise from incorrect and/or incomplete event content.

    2. Otherwise, our liability is limited to intent, gross negligence and the breach of essential contractual obligations, whereby the damage must be typical and foreseeable at an event.

    3. It is expressly pointed out that the events offered are not a substitute for medical or psychotherapeutic treatments.

    4. You determine the depth of getting involved in processes of self-awareness and change.

  11. Severability Clause
    These event conditions remain binding in their remaining parts even if individual clauses are legally ineffective. Changes or additions to these conditions must be in writing, which also applies to this written form clause.

  12. Applicable Law

    1. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to all legal relationships between the parties, excluding the laws on the international purchase of movable goods. This choice of law also applies to consumer contracts, provided Art. 29 EGBGB does not conflict.

    2. If the customer is a merchant or a legal entity under public law, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is our place of business

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